When I was little, we had a lot of Parker Brothers board games. There was Monopoly, of course, through we never seemed to finish a game. There was Clue, which I always found pointless. There was the world conquest game Risk, in which my brother John would always put a lot of armies on Iceland, at the border between Europe and North America. (He called Iceland "the homeland.") I preferred to focus on Australia, since it was a small continent that was easy to occupy completely.
And then there was Scrabble. I used to hate the game because I was the youngest in the family and knew the fewest words. But now that I'm older, I appreciate it as one of the best board games ever. (I've played a computer version of it, where I managed to tie the computer once, and lose by just two points another time!) When they invented Trivial Pursuit we also bought that, and I'm very good at it except for the questions about sports and cocktails.
Lately I've become interested in new board games, playing them with people who've come together through Meetup. I've learned to play sophisticated strategy games like Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, Puerto Rico, Agricola and Smallworld. (I've even bought some of those games.) A few years ago my interests changed, however, and I haven't been coming out lately. But I may return to them someday.