My late mother was an amateur graphologist. (That's a handwriting analyst.) I was often showing her the signatures of famous people and asking her to analyze them. I think gay men often have a dragging G-loop. Charles Manson's handwriting kept running off the edge of the page, which shows that he didn't recognize limits.
A psychiatrist analyzed the handwriting of movie star Montgomery Clift and said it showe the most mixed-up person he'd ever dealt with!
I've shown my handwriting to a couple of experts. They said it showed that I have a generous nature, I live in the now, I'm proud of my family and origins, I need to be with people and appreciated, I'm an observer and something of a perfectionist. (I often correct my writing.)
For me this group is an opportunity to write by hand every week, which is sort of a relaxing change from all the typing I do on the computer. They say that schools may stop teaching cursive handwriting because it's obsolete in the age of the computer. Sort of like they used to teach calligraphy in the age of the fountain pen but stopped when the ball point pen took over. I think that would be a shame.