I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome at age 40. It explained a few things about me. One "glitch" that I have is that when people ask me a question I'm often slow to answer. I wish they'd be more patient and repeat the question, because it isn't my intention to look like I'm ignoring them!
I follow a few Facebook groups for Aspies like me. They recently had a thread discussing driving. Some of us have never learned to drive, including me. Driving scares me: it's huge responsibility, considering all the dangerous mistakes that are easy to make! I'm just glad that now I live in Toronto, a city with a good mass transit system--for the little money our governments spend on it!--so you don't need a car so much.
School isn't so fun for Aspies like me. If other kids are nasty toward you because you're handicapped or an ethnic minority, you it isn't your fault. But if it's because you're eccentric and thin-skinned, it's all too convenient to view you as the weak link.
My sister doesn't think I have Aspergers--she says that she's met several people who clearly have it and I'm not like them. I respect her judgement. (Maybe I'm a marginal case...)