Wednesday, February 1, 2023


Can’t think of much to say about closets.  There was the time in Grade 7 when the art teacher made me go into the closet until I was less angry… (It was a nice big closet!)

I’ve been having trouble with my closet.  The knob isn’t working right so I can’t close it lest it won’t reopen.  I got into the habit of leaving it open but a few weeks ago I got careless and closed it, and it was stuck that way.  We had to call over my brother John to be the handyman and get the door open, which he did by unscrewing the hinges!

I was thinking, maybe we should just remove the door permanently.  Then I got to wondering, why do closets have doors?  Because people don’t want to look at all the clothes they have stored there?  Maybe clothes manufacturers invented closet doors so that people wouldn’t notice that they had too many clothes, and keep buying them…