Sunday, October 5, 2014


When I was little and saw firework displays, there was one type I couldn't stand.  It's these missiles that go off with an especially intense explosion, producing a really bright light and a really loud noise.  I didn't mind the light, but couldn't stand the noise!  So I'd take to plugging my ears whenever they set off a new one, just in case it was another one with the intense noise.  My enjoyment was compromised.

Loud noises have always bothered me.  Even today, a loud noise in the street sometimes literally makes me jump.  Balloons make me uncomfortable because I'm afraid they'll burst loudly.  I don't know how people at rock concerts can bear the loud noise. (I read that a Ted Nugent concert in Kansas City prompted noise complaints from farmers twenty miles away!  They say he's deaf in one ear.) I guess young people want to be overwhelmed by something.)

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