I love good Italian food! When I was young we ate spaghetti often, but we didn't start eating lasagna till I was a teenager. (When I was little I saw a movie from the '30s with Shirley Temple learning to eat spaghetti: back then it was still an "ethnic" food.) In more recent years, I've learned to make fettuccine alfredo, from a recipe on a calendar promoting milk. I'm told I make it well.
I love Italian culture too. I know a bit of the language: when you know enough French and Latin, the other romance languages get easier to learn. (It's the same with Spanish and Portuguese.) I played the piano when I was young, and learned at lot of Italian musical directions that way. I'm a fan of Italian opera, of course. And there are a lot of Italian movies I love. Directors like Vittorio di Sica know how to make honestly sad movies (not manipulative tearjerkers like Love Story and Titanic). The Bicycle Thief was so sad that I don't think I could ever see it again.
I've never actually visited Italy. (I guess I should add it to my bucket list.) One place I'd like to visit there is Bomarzo Gardens, a place near Rome full of grotesque Renaissance statues. If I ever make a billion dollars, I'll build a Canadian version.
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