Thursday, September 10, 2015

Gym class

Some kids like gym class.  Can't say I did.  What really bugged me was when they let us kids choose our own teams, which always meant that I got chosen last. (If I'd just been chosen second last, it wouldn't have bothered me.)

I remember at the start of one year the gym teacher warned us against chewing gum in gym class, and told us about this girl who choked on her gum and the gym teacher had to cut her throat so she could breathe until the doctors removed it.  When he said this, we all laughed, including me.  That's the sort of thing boys of eleven or twelve find funny.

I remember one time when we were given ropes to climb.  The gym teacher said, "I know that all of you can get all the way up, but I'll only expect you to get halfway up." I got on the rope, swung for half a minute, then finally got off.  It looked so easy when he did it!

I remember one school gym where someone managed to hit a volleyball up into the rafters and they couldn't get it down.  If you looked up, you could still see it up there.  Something creepy about that. (Presumably it's still there today!)

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