Loud noises can make me jump, literally. (My nerves are on the touchy side.) There are a lot of noises that annoy me: stuff like cutting styrofoam or microphone feedback. And thunder gets to me.
Yet these noises don't bug me as much as Muzak. Especially the Christmas-themed Muzak they play every December. (I could throttle whoever composed "Silver Bells"!) I heard somewhere that the heavy metal rocker Ted Nugent wanted to buy the Muzak corporation in order to close it down.
But I can make some loud noises too. Once I went to this Board Game Meetup where they had a set of cards you'd draw from to decided who'd go first. The cards had questions like "Who ate ice cream most recently?" and "Who has a birthday coming up soonest?" On this occasion we pulled a card with the question: "Who has the loudest voice?" I immediately shouted at the top of my voice, "I think I have the loudest voice here! Does anyone want to challenge me?" Nobody did. Of course, I scared the whole place out of their skins! (It helps to sing opera.)