Wednesday, November 11, 2015


When I lived in Sackville, N.B., there was a natural foods store run by a German couple, called Jacob's Larder.  We often brought protein bread there. (I'm not sure what the ingredients were.) And I often ate it in tuna fish sandwiches!

When I was little my two older brothers sometimes ate these huge peanut butter sandwiches with three or four slices.  But I was never capable of that.

My mother made me a cheese sandwich for a school lunch once, and she added Miracle Whip to it!  I just couldn't understand why:  it would have been perfect without it.  There's no accounting for tastes.

Egg sandwiches are my favourites.  I don't like BLTs because of my aversion to tomato slices. (It's something I inherited from my father.) I can't imagine how the British can stand cucumber sandwiches!

Sandwiches are named for the Earl of Sandwich, an 18th-century gambler who ate them at the gambling table so his gambling wouldn't be interrupted!  Did you know that Hawaii was once known as the Sandwich Islands?

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