Bourgeois homeowner: "They don't live like us!"--Show Me a Hero
Last evening I got the book about Genghis Khan at the Lillian Smith library. I'd gone to the Maria Shchuka library in the afternoon, but it turned out that I was looking for the wrong book there!
This morning we tried to make up for the choir rehearsal that got cancelled last week. (We were going to do it on Wednesday, but that fell through.) It took place at Ashleigh United church, but only half a dozen people could make it, and I was half an hour late! Oh well, better than nothing.
Tonight I went to a Karaoke Meetup at BarPlus. There were 17 people there, so I only had time to sing two songs. I've developed the habit of making B.J. Thomas' "I Just Can't Help Believing" my first song. (If you ask me, a better title would be "More Than Just a Day.") Someone was singing a Rammstein heavy metal song with German lyrics!
We're now watching the excellent David Simon-Paul Haggis miniseries Show Me a Hero. It's the true story of the young mayor of the New York suburb Yonkers, who was elected in 1988 and immediately faced with a crisis when a judge forced the city to stop stalling on an unpopular plan to desegregate the city by building low-income housing in white middle-class areas. (His upset victory resulted from making an issue of the incumbent mayor voting against appealing an earlier order.) The cast has a lot of familiar faces, like Alfred Molina and Jim Belushi and Winona Ryder and Catherine Keener.
Now that the weather's getting warmer, I've started going for short walks in the evening, just to get out of the house. (After being online a while, I feel like either doing that or going to bed for a nap!)
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