I have some odd dreams. Do you remember Robert Altman's 1993 movie Short Cuts, based on Raymond Carver's short stories? Carver wrote these perverse-sounding stories where a couple lost their child to a hit and run driver and forgot to pick up his birthday cake, so the baker started giving them crank calls; or a couple had promised to feed a vacationing neighbour's cat, but stopped doing so because they'd rather have sex; or some guys went on a fishing trip and found a woman's corpse, but didn't report it because they didn't want their vacation ruined! I actually haven't seen the movie, but I read a collection of all the stories that were filmed. Carver would often mention draining boards in kitchen scenes, a detail to remember if I ever write that much-needed Carver parody!
Anyhow, last night I was dreaming about that movie which I hadn't seen. This dream didn't even have the same stories or the same actors! It did have an actor who was either John Saxon ('70s B-movies like Enter the Dragon and Kansas City Bomber) or Bob Oedenkirk, who was in the first season of Fargo I was watching recently, but is better known for Better Call Saul. In this dream I jumped from the top of a building down to sidewalk level. I sometimes do things like that in my dreams.
Lately I've had the uncomfortable feeling that maybe I prefer my dream world to the real one. (Is that a sign of aging?)
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