Thursday, December 15, 2016

New technology

How has new technology affected me? Well, our home has now been online for twenty years, so I'd hate to imagine what my life would be like without the internet.  It's like having the world's largest library in your room!  I was reading this book of predictions from 1980, and nobody predicted it.  Predictably, Arthur C. Clarke came closest.
There was a lot of new technology back in the 1950s, the age of modern conveniences and "keeping up with the Joneses." My parents first had a TV set when they were newlyweds in England in the mid-1950s.  They remember eating crumpets on Sunday afternoon and watching the BBC show Brainstrust with intelligentsia figures like J. Bronowski, Robert Boothby and A.J.P. Taylor.
When I was young we only got two TV channels (along with two other poor signals). I was in my teens when we got cable TV in the '70s, and in my early twenties when we got a VCR and started getting a wide array of cable TV channels in the mid-'80s.  It's just a few years ago that we got our first widescreen TV, but television technology doesn't mean so much to me now.  Most of my TV watching is on Youtube. (Just now I've been listening to The Goon Show, a British radio comedy Father remembers from the '50s!)

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