I tend to write on my blog late at night. I'm always surprised by how much time I end up spending on writing, because when I'm actually doing it the time passes quickly. Sometimes late at night I'll spend a long time adding posts to online quarrels at sites like The Huffington Post, such as in defense of Bernie Sanders. (I think he's a genius!)
I sometimes go through dry stretches on my blog, especially in summertime. Lately I've taken to seeing movies just so I'll be sure of having something to write about. But there are also times when I can go on and on...
I've never tried to get my writing published, so I haven't experienced rejection. In L.M. Montgomery's Emily of New Moon there's a funny bit where the girl submits a manuscript written on both sides of the page, not realizing that you're only supposed to write a manuscript on one side!
In Mark Twain's manuscripts they found some strange numbers at places in the margin, which nobody could explain. Finally, the present-day writer Fran Liebowitz suggested that at the end of the day Mark Twain counted up the number of words he'd written and jotted them down. It turned out that she was right!
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