When I grew up in New Brunswick we used to have some big snowstorms, cancelling school and everything, as late as mid-March. (I guess they still have them there.) But Toronto has a heat island so they aren't common here.
I think my favourite weather is just after a snowstorm, when there's a lot of snow on the ground, but the weather turns mild so you can almost feel the snow melting! (I guess my least favourite weather is a severe frost with no snow on the ground.)
When I was little I loved snow. One of my favourite Dr. Seuss books is The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, which is set in the snowy outdoors. I used to ski, but it doesn't really appeal to me.
My favourite snow is the snow that's really close to rain, so that it comes down in big flakes and you can make snowballs and snowmen. But then the temperature usually gets colder and it turns into icy snow, my least favourite kind!
I loved snow when I was younger, and wrote of it often. Then I broke an ankle shoveling the driveway, and I found I'd had enough. Sure makes for beautiful scenery, though. I'm going to have to get you to add a "follow by email" link in your right sidebar. It's one of the available gadgets in design/layout in your top nav menu.