Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The bowling alley

I've gone bowling a few times in recent years.  I don't like those bowling alleys where they turn on all these crazy lights and music in the evening.  Gives me sensory overload.

When I think of bowling, I think of the Flintstones.  Fred would go up on tiptoes when launching a bowling ball, with this xylophone sound.  And there was one episode, I think, where Wilma was bowling and scored a strike, but in the wrong lane. (Women!)

You don't see bowling in the movies much. (I guess they see it as too much a working class thing.) I remember there was bowling in Frankie and Johnny, which was rather self-consciously blue-collar.  And there was also bowling in the Coen brothers comedy The Big Lebowski.

Overall, I though The Big Lebowski was a mess.  But John Turturro had a funny cameo as a gay Hispanic bowler with an attitude, named Jesus.  He'd say things like "Nobody fucks with the Jesus!"

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