For me, Fridays used to be the night for watching All in the Family and later The Mary Tyler Moore Show. Since it wasn't a school night I'd stay up and watch The National at 11:00. (Today I hardly ever watch TV news...) The Tommy Hunter Show was also on Fridays, but I only watched the closing credits while waiting for something else to come on. And I used to watch South Park late Friday night.
Today my big Friday ritual is doing the Saturday New York Times crossword puzzle, which comes online Friday at 10:00 P.M. I like Saturday because it's usually the hardest puzzle of the week. (I also do the Friday puzzle on Thursday night.) I also read Dan Savage's sex advice column Savage Love on Fridays, or at least skim through it. Not that it's been very useful to me...
Friday is also the day when they release most of the new movies, so the newspapers have movie reviews then. But I never go to a movie on the opening night; it's better to wait till the crowds are smaller. (Even then, I don't seem to have time for movies any more...)
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