Tuesday, January 15, 2019


Don Rickles (seeing Frank Sinatra in the audience): "Make yourself at home, Frankie.  Hit someone!"

They say that the perfect Chinese insult is one that everyone understands, except the victim!

Did you know that the most popular Canadian movie ever was the teenage sex comedy Porky's?  When you think about it, that film's a Canadian caricature of Americans, as horny redneck slobs!  And the beauty of it is that very few Americans realized they were being insulted, like that Chinese insult.

When my older brother was in high school, people nicknamed him Bonehead.  Then I came along and got nicknamed Baby Bonehead! (It wasn't the happiest time of my life.) What really annoyed me was being expected to ignore it all.

I read that in India one insult is to call someone "brother in law." That's their way of saying, "I screwed your sister!" ("Stepson" would be even better...)

Ever hear Yo Momma jokes?  They're African-American insults that go like, "Yo Momma so stupid, it takes her two hours to watch 60 Minutes!" or "Yo Momma so fat, when she sits around the house she sits around the house!" or "Yo Momma so poor, I saw her kicking a can down the street and asked what she was doing, and she said, 'Moving house'!"

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