Monday, March 25, 2019

Most romantic kiss

Ever see David Lynch's Blue Velvet?  Laura Dern has a good role as a teenage "nice girl." She has a great scene talking about the robins coming down.

There's another great scene where she and Kyle McLachlan are slow-dancing at a party and kiss.  The camera shows them in closeup, with him on the left and her on the right, then smoothly dissolves into a shot with her on the left and him on the right. (Or maybe it's the other way around, but you get the point.) The visual subtext is of the two of them becoming one --very romantic!

I also remember a kiss in the operetta movie Love Me Tonight.  Jeanette McDonald is a princess and Maurice Chevalier is a tailor taking her measurements, so she's in her underwear.  And they end up kissing, of course.  This was before Hollywood's 1934 Production Code, so movies were often saucier back then!

And there's that scene in Lady and the Tramp where the dogs are eating spaghetti and end up kissing!

The least romantic kiss would be in Dangerous Liaisons, where John Malkovich says to Uma Thurman, "You didn't give me a kiss.  I gave you a kiss."

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