Lately I've been spending a lot of time on the website . That's a site where people can ask questions, and other people can offer answers. One question that's been asked is "Who was your worst teacher?" A Russian called Yevgeny told about having a teacher who had it in for him. One day she asked the whole class, "How many of you are friends with Yevgeny? All of you stand up!" Nobody dared take her on by standing up, even the people Yevgeny thought were his friends, and he cried.
In his comic strip Life in Hell, Matt Groening once repeated stories from a diary he'd kept in Grade 5 or 6. One teacher was so nasty that when Matt got caught talking in class, he made him wear tape on his mouth! On one occasion he had the whole class doing exercises outdoors, and concluded by making everyone run in a big race, where the three people who finished last would have to do extra exercises afterward! (The three losers cried.)
Some teachers can be mean. I remember a class where one girl came in late and the teacher told all of us to turn around and look at her! My sister had one teacher who divided the class into the favoured and the unfavoured, and the latter weren't allowed to answer her questions. (I think she marked your spelling wrong if you crossed a double "t" with a single line!)
And I remember when one teacher commented on what I'd written, "You missed the whole point!" That rather bugged me
--she could have just said, "You missed the point."
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