What is a label worth? They say that making counterfeit designer labels today is more lucrative than forging counterfeit banknotes! Does that mean that designer labels are the money of the future?
I have a friend whose boyfriend bought her an expensive purse with an elaborate designer label, Gucci or something. She loved the purse, but ended up pulling off the label--not because she's an anti-label ideologue, but just because she preferred the purse without it. When her boyfriend saw her with the unlabelled purse, that took the wind out of his sails! (Their relationship didn't last.)
Have you seen the red-haired girl in the label for Wendy's hamburgers? I wonder if they took it from Anne of Green Gables...
Flags are a sort of national label. Canada has a pretty good flag, unique without being complicated. I especially like the stark simplicity of the Japanese flag: a red circle on a white field! (The Japanese have a flair for minimalism--look at Hello Kitty!) As for American flag-worship, there's something pitiful about that. Americans seem to think they invented national flags!
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