I shall start the tour of my chamber at the door to the outer hallway, at the northwest corner. On the north wall, western side, is the closet, which contains some of my clothes, a cowboy hat and my collection of Classics Illustrated comic books. The doorknob is a bit loose, and I’m afraid that if I close the closet door it’ll get stuck, so I always leave it open!
On the eastern side of the north wall is my dresser, which contains my other clothes. It came from my grandfather’s home in Campbellton, New Brunswick, after his death almost forty years ago. There’s also a bookcase with some records and outsized coffee-table books.
On the long east wall are two windows. It’s summer so I’m now leaving the windows open, even at night. To the north there’s a chest full of extra blankets and stuff. In the center there’s a bookcase that’s mostly empty, but it still has quite a few back issues of Lapham’s Quarterly. Next to it is my main desk, with my computer and a study lamp. There’s also my Gund stuffed doll of Julia, the autistic Muppet on Sesame Street.
At the southeast corner is my bed. It’s big enough for two people, with two pillows and such, not that I’ve ever needed that. Sometimes I’ll lie on my bed and watch films or read Ebooks on my computer.
On the south wall there’s a small bookcase which contains stuff like my foreign-language dictionaries in Chinese and Japanese and Portuguese. The southwest corner has the only vent for summer air conditioning (which we never use anyway) and heating. There’s also another blanket chest there.
Along the west wall is an older desk that also comes from my grandfather’s house. There’s some junk stored in it, including some letters my sister wrote me when I was researching my Ph.D. thesis in London, England in the mid-‘90s. I’m glad I saved them: I reread them a few years ago and they’re still entertaining! She also has really good handwriting, now a dying art. (I also saved a letter from my father, and it’s barely legible.)
There are also my three biggest bookcases, where I keep most of my paper books. (I’ve bought quite a few Ebooks, but that’s another story.) Quite a few of them are comics: one shelf is almost filled with reprints of the comic strip Peanuts!
In the middle of the room, there’s also a swivel chair that I use with my computer. It’s pretty old and the back came off, but I still like it. There’s also a box full of old records that I use as a footrest. And there’s a hamper where I put clothes ready for the laundry.
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