Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Favourite job

I don’t have much job experience, but sometimes I think about jobs I’d like to have.  I would have made a good town crier in the old days.  I have a loud voice and like telling people what I know.  And in Africa they have a guy called a kafo whose job is to keep a community’s records in his head, sometimes going back for centuries!  I think I would have liked doing that.  I read a book about America after a nuclear war and they had professional remembers who basically did that.

Other jobs that appeal to me are more fanciful.  I think I’d like to have a job introducing American movies to Chinese audiences and explaining their context.  Or introducing famous paintings in London’s art galleries to tourists and giving them my perspective.

There’s an A.A. Milne poem “Cherry Stones” that goes,

Tinker, Tailor,

Soldier, Sailor,

Rich Man, Poor Man,


Thief —

And what about a Cowboy,

Policeman, Jailer,


Or Pirate Chief?

What about a Postman — or a Keeper at the Zoo?

What about the Circus Man who lets the people through?

And the man who takes the pennies for the round-abouts and swings?

Or the man who plays the organ, and the other man who sings?

What about a Conjuror with rabbits in his pockets?

What about a Rocket Man who's always making rockets?

Oh, there's such a lot of things to do and such a lot to be

That there's always lots of cherries on my little cherry tree!

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