Thursday, December 17, 2015


I think it was Samuel Johnson who said, "Puns are the lowest form of humour." When I was little, I found that saying odd:  what's wrong with puns?  The higher forms of humour were still rather new to me.

I remember a lot of jokes from when I was little, including some puns.  How do you make a slow horse fast?  Stop feeding him!  What do you call a guy who plays basketball in a tuxedo?  A gym dandy!  And I recall my brother telling me a long joke about a castaway who built a boat called a bark, then tried to launch it in a bay called a bight, but it turned out that his bark was bigger than his bight! (boo hiss)

Remember when The Globe and Mail ran "Your Morning Smile"? Their jokes included some puns.  Someone submitted this joke: "When the eel in the sea bites you under your knee that's a moray!" (It helps to be of a certain age.)

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