In our time neo-conservatives like Ronald Reagan have sold a spin that Big Government is the enemy. This appeals to middle-class suburbanites who don't want to take responsibility for society's problems, don't want their tax money spent on people they don't identify with, and feel a vague fear toward the poor. The result is a system in which big business gets their way and even the liberals are afraid to take on corporations. (Witness Britain's New Labour.)
I'm rather sore about the current situation. There are some problems that can only be resolved by the Black Hand of big government. Some even call for government ownership! I think that the way to achieve gun control is by nationalizing the weapon manufacturers. And they should also nationalize the companies that sell cigarettes and cheap wine.
You may denounce me as a socialist, but I know where I stand. Ecological problems like climate change can only be solved through regulation and aggressive taxation, not through free markets for big business. Without assertive government, there's no hope for the future.
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