Thursday, November 30, 2017


What am I grateful for?  That I live in a society generous enough to support freeloaders like me.  That my nation is one of the world's more tolerant multicultural societies. (I'd hate to imagine what it would be like living in the U.S.A.!) That my city has a good transit system--for its minimal financial support--a good library system, good parks and a lot of Meetup groups.

I'm grateful for friends, whom I appreciate because I didn't get a lot of them when I was young.  And for the internet, which ensures that I never get bored.  And for foreign languages, which ensure that I can always have something new to learn.

I'm grateful for two parents who set a good example for me. (I really appreciate my mother's love now that she's no longer with us.) I'm grateful for people who inspire me, like the kooky genius Mohandas K. Gandhi and the politician Bernie Sanders.

And I'm grateful for music and poetry and classic movies, and Daffy Duck and Uncle Scrooge and Mark Twain and London, England, and heroes. (My idea of a hero is anyone who gets the work done, like foot soldiers and nurses and mothers.)

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