Monday, July 6, 2015


I'm not really a rebel type.  Micro-managers are annoying, but I try to work with them.  What I don't like is when you have to guess what people want without being told.  Like when they ask, "Would you like to..." but the only acceptable answer is "Yes." I have a tendency to figure that out only after I've said no.

A little while ago when young blacks were rioting in Baltimore over a police shooting, Dr. Phil asked, "Where were their mothers?" Really, someone ought to give Dr. Phil a punch in the nose!  I respect people who'd rather do something than do nothing.  What annoys me is liberals who come up with an option that amounts to "Do nothing but pretend you're doing something!"

My brother says that if he'd been an Iraqi, he would have been fighting against the American occupation.  As for me, on the other hand, I'm all talk.  I'm sympathetic to the idea that some causes are worth dying for, but when the chips are down I'm not so sure that I wouldn't just chicken out and put self-protection above all else.  Most people don't know what they're capable of until they face the crucial choice.  People talk about how the common people in Germany let the Nazis murder millions, but would most of us have behaved differently?  What would you have done?

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