Friday, May 3, 2019


Time for a joke.  Yo Momma so poor, I pressed her doorbell and she said "Ding dong!"

Remember the children's fable "Belling the Cat"? It's about how the mice decide to put a bell on the cat so they can hear him coming, except that nobody's crazy enough to try and put it on him!  When I was little, I saw a book with the title Belling the Cat and Other Stories, and I thought it was about a cat called Belling!

Do you know where the word "dumbbell" comes from?  When you exercise with a dumbbell you make the same motions as when ringing a handbell, except that you don't make any sound doing it.  So the word comes from "mute bell." I like learning about the origins of words.

Does anyone remember the song "Ring My Bell"? It came out in 1979, part of the last gasp of disco music.

Have you ever heard the carillon bells at the Metropolitan Church on Queen Street?  I used to go to a Board Game Meetup where I knew an actual carillon player called Gerald. (He's played that one, and Ottawa's Peace Tower carillon too!) In one game we had to make predictions twenty years into the future, so I predicted, "Gerald will be playing the carillon in Hungary!"

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