Monday, December 29, 2014


"Hydro" comes from "hudor," the Greek word for water.

If you ask me, bottled water is the big marketing con of our age.  Until I move to a place like China, I'm going to trust the water from the tap!  I'm just glad I don't live in Britain, where Margaret Thatcher privatized the water utilities out of sheer ideology and Tony Blair's New Labour preserved privatization out of sheer cynicism. (Privatization was bad for the British people.  But denationalization would offend the Big People.)

Barbara Ward once said that 1% of the money the world spends on armaments would be enough to provide clean water for everyone in the world.  But leaders aren't just afraid of their country being weak, they're afraid of looking weak!

Someone said that clean water will be the oil of the 21st century.  Which means that Canada will dominate the world, since we have more lakes than any other country.  Which may mean that the Americans will finally take us over, since they're so wasteful of water and their leaders prefer conquest to conservation.  Here's a prediction:  if the USA takes over Canada, we'll stay much the same but they'll be transformed!

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