Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Have you ever noticed?  A box of chocolates has a narrower range of goodies than it used to.  I remember when the Moir's Pot of Gold included a chocolate covered lozenge! (That sort of thing shows my age.) Do they still have Cherry Blossoms?

The novel Forrest Gump starts with the line "Bein' an idiot ain't no box of chocolates." But in the movie version they had his mother say, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get." How shameless!  If they couldn't be faithful to the original line, they could at least have left it out, instead of turning it on its head.

Easter was a few weeks ago. After Easter is over I buy a ton of chocolate at reduced prices. (I especially like the chocolate with crispy rice pieces.) This year I even got some jelly beans!  I wish I could eat jelly beans without thinking of Ronald Reagan, pray for his worthless soul.

I think my favourite candy is Ferrero Rocher.  That's the one with a hazelnut inside that you can eat in two bites.  I also like nougats and creams.  Don't like caramels.

Does anyone remember the Neilson Cinnamon Danish from the '70s?  I remember how the Neilson company sent big wall maps of Canada to every school in the country.  In a shameless bit of product placement, they put their candy bars in each corner of the map! (I recall Crispy Crunch over Greenland...)

I also remember Life Savers.  Does anyone remember when they came in root beer flavour?

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