Saturday, February 9, 2019

Short films

I remember some of the short films they showed in school. One was Holiday from Rules, in which some kids who gripe about rules get moved to a desert island without rules, where anarchy ensues.  It seems to me that micromanagement vs. anarchy is a false choice.

I also remember this film about two boys in cowboy outfits, where the one in the white hat did things they wanted to promote like eating a hot breakfast, and the one in the black hat didn't.  They had a foot race which White Hat won, of course.  The main thing I remember is that Black Hat tried to cheat by cutting across a railroad track, but got his foot stuck in the ties just as a train came along, but White Hat saved him.  I wish I'd booed at that point!

You can find a lot of those school films online or on video.  I found one titled Manners in School, in which an animated chalk outline on a blackboard, imaginatively named Chalky, teaches manners to a particularly bad child actor.  Among other things he taught him to say "Yes" instead of "Yeah," and "No" instead of "Uh-uh"! They try to give the message that if you're rude other kids won't want to play with you, yet from what I've seen it's the badly-behaved kids who are most popular!

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