Thursday, December 24, 2015


I've never been interested in this paranormal stuff like ESP or the Bermuda Triangle or Chariots of the Gods?  It's always seemed to me to be aimed at all the credulous suckers out there.

Do I believe in ghosts?  I'll believe in them when I meet one.  But if they're willing to leave me alone, I'll return the favour.  I like to think of myself as free of superstitions.  Yet when I'm in a subway station I never walk on an escalator that isn't moving.  It just doesn't seem right somehow.

I've heard that in India people take ghosts very seriously.  And the Vietnamese are very superstitious:  when Vietnam's soldiers drove the Khmer Rouge out of Cambodia and found their killing fields full of bones, they were afraid that ghosts would come after them.  Which I guess is understandable.

Which of course reminds me of another joke.  There are two burglars in an apartment, and one of them says, "I hear someone coming!  Let's jump out the window!" "But this is the 13th floor!" "Come on, this is no time to be superstitious!" (I heard that on a record called World's Worst Jokes.)

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