Tuesday, November 13, 2018


"May all your duck eggs have double yolks!"--Tommy Makem

Does anyone intentionally soft-boil an egg?  Seems to me, that's what happens when you wanted to hard-boil the egg but weren't patient enough to finish the boiling!

I remember when I was a kid the Agriculture Minister Eugene Whalen got into controversy when his marketing board lost about a million eggs.  It's funny what you remember.

I was thinking that I could eat omelet for dinner every day!  But I guess it would get boring after a while...

I remember that when my mother made an omelet there'd sometimes be big pieces of shell in it.  I heard there's some cooking school in Paris where they spend the whole first day teaching you the right way to break an egg!

I've always wondered, How do farmers know when an egg is going to hatch and when it's just a regular egg?  There's this cartoon in The Far Side where a farm wife collects the eggs from the henhouse, only to see a hen leaving the farmhouse with a baby!

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